Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Sound Off Connecticut!

I just did a radio show with host Jim Vicevich with "Sound off Connecticut," a CBS affiliate in Hartfort. We discuss the Mary Winkler case, women getting away with murder, the no touch rules in Fairfax, our man bashing society and domestic abuse. You can listen to my segment of the show here--under "Recent Episodes" on your left.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pleasant voice (not uptight or bitchy sounding at all).

5:26 PM, June 19, 2007  
Blogger Helen said...

anonymous 5:26:

Uptight and bitchy--is that how I come across on this blog? I hope not.

5:36 PM, June 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Uptight and bitchy--is that how I come across on this blog? I hope not."


No, you don't come across in a bad way on this board.

I was just trying to say that you had a (surprisingly) pleasant speaking voice - I don't think my phrasing was the best (LOL), but I meant it in a good way.

5:41 PM, June 19, 2007  
Blogger Helen said...

anonymous 5:41:

Thanks for clarifying.

5:46 PM, June 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad I got a chance to listen.

No, Dr. Helen- I need to ask you a question: You've identified the problem: judges and juries being more lenient to female killers than male killers.

My question: What can be done about it?

I mean, this isn't exactly an issue that gets people marching in the streets. I don't expect to see any campus feminists demanding "equal punishment for women!" any time soon. Lord knows, this is one sexist double-standard they're happy to look the other way about.

What can be done? Who can be appealed to? Do judges need to be trained? Do federal laws need to be passed?

7:11 PM, June 19, 2007  
Blogger Jungle Jim said...

Hey I know. Let's have another "affirmative action" program for women. For every man who gets sentenced to prison, an equal number of ladies should be locked up, whether they committed any crimes or not.

All kidding aside, if it were actually the case that more women were being convicted of crimes than men, some of the leftwing feminists would be lobbying for more men to be locked up.


7:20 PM, June 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"All kidding aside, if it were actually the case that more women were being convicted of crimes than men, some of the leftwing feminists would be lobbying for more men to be locked up."


Women are leaders in some areas: Murdering their own children (more than the fathers), check fraud, shoplifting, and some related areas.

7:45 PM, June 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(I'm the anonymous who made the post asking Dr. Helen about what to do)

I certainly didn't want to turn this into a bash-fest for anyone. I'm just at a loss as for what can be done.

7:51 PM, June 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I mean, this isn't exactly an issue that gets people marching in the streets. I don't expect to see any campus feminists demanding "equal punishment for women!" any time soon. Lord knows, this is one sexist double-standard they're happy to look the other way about.

What can be done? Who can be appealed to? Do judges need to be trained? Do federal laws need to be passed?"

The solution is clear and simple. If you are a man living in the US, don't ever get married or have children.

If you really wish to have a wife and kids, leave the USA first and consider not returning. Problem solved.

8:08 PM, June 19, 2007  
Blogger Health Watch Center said...

Hello Helen,

Seems like I am late to visit here...when I tried to listen I got an error message..

"You are experiencing technical difficulty, the Tech Team has been automagically notified and will resolve any problems that may exist.

You may have experienced this error through an expired link or bookmark."

Self Help Zone

P.S. It was automagically... not my spelling mistake..:)

2:38 AM, June 20, 2007  
Blogger Helen said...


Hmm, not sure what is wrong, I was able to get it to play. I often have a hard time getting audio to play in Explorer but have no problem with Firefox.

Anonymous 7:11:

No, I don't think people will "march in the street." I think education is the answer and allowing shows, information, and teaching that informs people about the various statistics and issues is important. For example, my local station here in Knoxville had a show on domestic violence stating that men were 95% of the abusers. Wrong! Some studies show that men and women abuse equally. I wrote to the show and told them about the problem, didn't do any good with that particular show, but any time I see an error, I try to address it. I think we have to speak up individually and as a group. I also think that in universities, funding should be equal for men and women's studies. Men are voting with their feet by not attending college anymore--maybe we will soon see some affirmative action for men? Psychology PHD programs are not attracting men at all anymore and I have seen articles discussing the problem with men fleeing the field. I don't like the idea of affirmative action for men or for women, but if that is what it takes, why not? Change begins with a cultural shift, I think we are seeing some of that, men are no longer standing back and feeling guilty that women were denied rights about a hundred years ago.

6:20 AM, June 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as women make 80% of consumer buying decisions, advertising, and hence any programming associated with that advertising (i.e. just about ALL of the popular media), will be directed at attracting women. And the tactics used by these advertisers and programmers will exploit men in any way they deem necessary, including demonizing them or ridiculing them.

The only way to change this is for men to exert economic power in the consumer marketplace.


7:54 AM, June 20, 2007  
Blogger Helen said...


I think that is why men are turning to the internet. They are buying online because they can go to sites that do not have the negative advertising etc. or that are neutral. I think that the internet is the new underground railroad for men, in some ways.

8:13 AM, June 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in re: Fairfax County and no-touch rules:

My son attends high school in this suburban DC school district. In general, and I do not wish to generalize from my anecdotal experience, the children in this high school have the material objects and comforts that many of us didn't earn before age 30 -- but they have less latitude than I had at age 10 growing up in Iowa.

As a result the children are taught to appear as adults, live with adult material privileges, and act like third-graders.

The schools are part of the problem, but we need to remember that the schools reflect their constituency -- the *parents* who think that in restricting freedoms they "protect" their children.

I worry about drinking: I taught my son to drink wine and we discuss dependencies of all sorts. He's a teetotaller.

I worry about driving skills: I taught my son to drive in a 911, and he drives his Golf better than 95% of adults.

I worry about conformity and peer pressure: I'm an entrepreneur, so he probably thinks its normal to be an outlier.

I worry about his social life: whoops, can't go there!

Net, parents need to throttle back the control-impulses of public school administrators and teachers. To do that they need to let the children grow up, experiment, make mistakes and occasionally embarrass themselves, and the like. I'd prefer not to ascribe ideology to the female-directed, no-touching-because-its-a-slippery-slope trope, but I think there is a gender-neutral ideology out there that trades prosperity for control, in regard to our children.

11:29 AM, June 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding your comment at 8:13, I think this is a crucial point. Several times over the past few years, I've observed articles that include comments by advertising execs pondering the way to get to men, and bemaoning the fact that men have all but abandoned television. And yet every week I see a new commercial that treats men poorly. The thing at amazes me is that the program execs don't push back. I guess they can't. But let me give you an example. GEICO's caveman series is offensive to me because it ridicules what I am personally: an advocate for men's interests. And yet every time I watch an NHL game (on the rare times they're actually available on my cable network) I'm subjected to a number of them. Now the NHL is fighting for its audience, scrapping to recover from the losses they suffered during the lock-out. You'd think they'd be taking a look at the commercials they get attached-to.You'd be wrong. It would be understandable if GEICO only had one theme running in their ads, but they have several, so there are choices and they could opt for one that's less offensive. The thing is, I switch channels everytime one of those damn things comes on, and sometimes I don't go back to the original program.

Oh well. Their loss.

The other reason men turn to the Internet is that they can actually find someone willing to speak out AND who has a reachable forum. Here for one place, but a whole plethora of blogs and fora where other men are speaking out.

Hell, for all the hoo-haa about how "fair and balanced" Fox News is supposed to be, you might expect to see Marc Angellucci or Stephen Baskerville or Warren Farrell on there more often.

But you'd be wrong. The only voice you're allowed to hear defending men or masculinity is female.

Oh well. Enough bitching and complaining. Back to work...


12:57 PM, June 20, 2007  
Blogger Helen said...


It's not complaining--it's just pointing out the obvious. It is troublesome that more men are not on these shows talking about men's issues--but apparently a man has no authority to talk about how they feel, lest they be seen as complainers. By defalt, there are a few women out there speaking up as if they are somehow the only authority over men's feelings. I doubt they are. However, since no one else seems to take it upon themselves to say much and since I can get away with shit that others can't because of the hardware between my legs, I guess I'll speak up.

1:13 PM, June 20, 2007  
Blogger Peregrine John said...

It's funny, now that you mention it, because men aren't "allowed" to talk about women's issues for the opposite reason: they're not women. You'd think the same principle would apply, but apparently it doesn't.

2:37 PM, June 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, for one, am very glad that Dr. Helen is unafraid to speak up.

When women speak-out about man-bashing, that gets taken seriously. I'm a man who has been sticking-up for himself for quite a while now and people who don't know me try to dismiss me as someone who can't take a joke or suchlike. When my wife joins me, the dynamic seems to change suddenly. Sort of like "Gosh, a woman doesn't like it? We'd better pay attention because her opinions are important."

8:11 PM, June 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So nu, what about the man who got away with murder because his wife shopped too much? You really think there are more women who get away with murder then men?

6:29 AM, June 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.j.@2:37 - Better not tell Alan Alda that...

2:17 PM, June 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11:21 PM, May 19, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:49 AM, June 08, 2009  

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