Friday, August 22, 2008

Duke Accuser is Writing another Story

Crystal Mangum, the woman who accused the Duke Lacrosse team of rape, will now be writing her memoirs:

Disgraced Crystal Mangum, the former stripper and prostitute who accused three Duke University lacrosse players of strangling, beating, and brutally raping her (vaginally, anally, and orally) in a tiny bathroom at a house party back in March 2006, is writing her memoirs. Not an Internet rumor. It’s true!

The Last Dance for Grace: The Crystal Mangum Story, scheduled for release on October 1, is Mangum’s sob story of a story. It, like everything else about her, will generate ridicule…unless it contains a big, fat apology to Reade Seligman, Collin Finnerty, and David Evans.

The men who were falsely accused of rape had their reputations and lives ruined. Their accuser writes a book and graduates from college with a degree in Criminal Justice. Men deserve better than this.


Blogger El Jefe Maximo said...

Soon to be in a pulp-rack with a big Sharpie mark on it, at the Half-Price Books near you.

3:22 PM, August 22, 2008  
Blogger . said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

3:30 PM, August 22, 2008  
Blogger . said...

Oops, sorry - too many spelling mistakes in that previous post. (There is no need to appear any more stoopid than neccessary).


I hope it sells millions of copies - so Seligman, Finnerty and Evans can sue her for every last penny of profit she gets from it, and keep her in the sewer where she belongs.

They should have an excellent case - after all, isn't there some law about not being able to profit from your crimes?

If I was one of those boys, I would make my whole career to be suing, suing, suing, spattered with a few highlights of suing.

The Duke 88 would keep me busy for a while too. I'll bet they have some nice fat paychecks that are in need of a garnishment.

That nasty troll Nancy Grace probably has some deep pockets too!

3:39 PM, August 22, 2008  
Blogger Larry Sheldon said...

We can "deserve" until hell freezes over.

Nothing will change except we will be colder.

If there was fairness, all the money from books, movies and anything else about a wrong or crime would go to the victims, lock, stock, and barrel, expenses not deducted.

3:41 PM, August 22, 2008  
Blogger Frank said...

No doubt following the Hillary Clinton example: when your life is shrouded in scandals, controversies and notoriety, cash it in by writing a book!

4:15 PM, August 22, 2008  
Blogger rdobrenski said...

As one shrink/writer to another, this is on par with O.J.'s book that never made it to print. Unfortunately, many people will buy this book despite any literary merit, thus perpetuating the decline or literature and the promotion of tabloid idiocy.

Dr. Rob

4:18 PM, August 22, 2008  
Blogger lovemelikeareptile said...

I don't believe Ms Magnum was even charged with a crime-- not falsely reporting a crime or anything. Something about it "not being in the interests of justice", believe it or not. I wonder what that says about what "Justice" is ?

Well, women's groups would support her ( prosecuting women who lie about rape will deter women from coming forward !)
and black civil rights groups would support her
and the media has no race-gender-class etc angle, so they wouldn't cover it
and it just keeps the black eye for Duke and Durham and North Carolina in the news...

Looks like the statute of limitations may have run on the boys holding MS Mangum liable for damages civilly. If so, she can keep the money the book brings in-- after she pays the ghost writer.

Will be a Book-of-the Month choice for Oprah-- and she will appear for tearful interviews on Oprah's show.
She may even become a political commentator on The Nancy Grace Show--
or enter into private practice with the deranged Wendy Murphy--
or she may get her law degree and become another female lawyer talking head on TV, all of whom supported her all the way...

4:41 PM, August 22, 2008  
Blogger Orez said...

"Men deserve better than this."

More than just men deserve better. She damaged a lot of people with her false accusations.

6:23 PM, August 22, 2008  
Blogger Trust said...

It's inversely reminiscient of president happy hands. Women deserve better than that. (of course, I bet the false accuser in the duke case wouldn't win the male vote in a landslide the way happy hands would win the female vote.)

6:55 PM, August 22, 2008  
Blogger Cappy said...

It figures any more.

7:43 PM, August 22, 2008  
Blogger Larry Sheldon said...

In some minds, "not charged" is not the same as "innocent".

8:24 PM, August 22, 2008  
Blogger Trust said...

@larry: "In some minds, "not charged" is not the same as "innocent"."

No, just as "not guilty" means more "not proven" than "innocent."

However, in this case, I think the evidence points more to innocence than to simple reasonable doubt.

9:46 PM, August 22, 2008  
Blogger Larry Sheldon said...

Not clear to mme who the innocents are.

No question in my mind that the students were innocent of the crimes charged by the whore (and blown up by the police, et alia).

The person who called the police, made false charges, and so on is not innocent in my view.

10:54 PM, August 22, 2008  
Blogger Cham said...

As much as some of you would love to hang this lady by her thumbs, I do notice as I read the new accounts and even the blogs about this woman that Ms. Mangum has yet to publicly tell her account of the events that happened in this case. We have no clue as to her side of the story. I have no plans to purchase her book, but I am a bit interested in what the reviewers of this publication have to say. Ms. Mangum might give us some insight as to the events as they unfolded during this case.

7:07 AM, August 23, 2008  
Blogger Larry Sheldon said...

All I need to know is "Who called the police? Who signed the complaint?"

9:15 AM, August 23, 2008  
Blogger lovemelikeareptile said...


is a contrarian. She is here to undermine and /or minimize any point relevant to unfair treatment of men. She is the problem.

But her comments here are simply incredible they are so vile--

Why we have all rushed to judgment about Ms Mangum and want to "hang her by her thumbs" before we know "her side of the story", "her account of the events that happened ".

Yes, after we hear her " tell her account" we will have better "insight into the events" .

Cham-- the boys were exonerated-- understand. Not found "not guilty" but offically proclaimed to be innocent-- there was no sexual assault.
Thus Ms Mangum lied-- she falsely claimed a rape occurred when it had not. Got it ?

What will "her side of the story" be ?
why she had the semen of five odd different men inside her-- but none from the alleged rapists? etc...

Your post is an affront to any decent person who is familiar with the DUKE Rape Hoax.
The incredible damage she did to so many lives, the millions of dollars spent, the careers ended, the harm to DUKE etc

because this woman wanted to avoid an involuntary commitment that night.. so she cried "rape".. and our society genuflects to that charge... the most powerful weapon a woman has at her disposal...

Pray tell-- what will " her side " of the story reveal?

Maybe you will sit with a box of tissues as you read or learn or her difficult upbringing, how men have beeen mean to her... and we will 'understand" why she "was driven" to do this.. and help her get therapy.. so she can move on from this bad experience...

1:03 PM, August 23, 2008  
Blogger Decoupled Debit said...

The Attorney General of the State of North Carolina went so far as to declare them Innocent. The Fact that there were groups on Campus who wanted to Castrate them does not seem to matter. That the Chief Blogger for the now disgraced Breck Girl Amanda Marcotte declared them Rapists during the Democratic Presidential campaign does mean alot. About the status of Men politically in the US Republic.

It seems to elude many that she made a similar unfounded accusation against Three Black Men much earlier. That she had relations with multiple Males, none of them Duke LaCrosse Players.

That the Duke University Medical Center criminally colluded to railroad Innocent Men, who faced decades in Prison. In the interest of Justice she should be charged with Perjury at the very least, if not obstruction of justice.

She is a sociopath Per Se. Her actions loudly proclaim such. This is nothing more than an attempt to justify her actions not a public apology.

1:53 PM, August 23, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cham sez:

"We have no clue as to her side of the story."


Yes, I've got a clue about what her side of the story is.

6:04 PM, August 23, 2008  
Blogger lovemelikeareptile said...

She sure as heck is not going to say "nothing happened".. but if she claims that something did, definitely open to being sued by the boys for defamation/libel... for some reason I stupidly forgot that before... one wonders what she could say...

7:09 PM, August 23, 2008  
Blogger TMink said...

Cham wrote: "Ms. Mangum has yet to publicly tell her account of the events that happened in this case."

The problem is that she never shared an account with the DA of the events that happened in this case. She lied.

This reminds me of the old book titles "Cry Wolf: A Shepherd Boy's Tale."


9:27 AM, August 24, 2008  
Blogger Locomotive Breath said...

Crystal Mangum was never punished in any way for her attempt to send three innocent men to jail. Instead, she spent a year on government support as a rape "victim" finding time to squirt out a third child that she can't support.

Assuming the child was full term, the date of conception was one month after her claim of a brutal gang rape. One wonders if her pregnancy was some attempt to support the rape claim.

Crystal Mangum told "her side of the story" to the Special Prosecutors for the North Carolina Attorney General. Multiple times. In multiple different versions.

In announcing the dropping of charges and proclaiming the three falsely accused INNOCENT, the NC AG intimated that she believed all of them simultaneously and was mentally ill and would not be charged. In any event, unbelievably, her actions amount only to a misdemeanor in NC. So, legally, she was let off the hook completely.

If she's too mentally ill to be responsible for her actions, can someone explain to me why she still has custody of those three children?

She subsequently graduated from North Carolina Central University (NCCU). She reportedly majored in "Police Psychology". (Hey Helen, can you use an associate?)

A Duke student wrote a column criticizing NCCU for not enforcing it's code of conduct. and suggesting that since they had not, all degrees from NCCU had been devalued.

Go read the comments from the NCCU students. She still has numerous supporters for "her side of the story".

9:50 AM, August 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd say that Crystal is really, truly a woman with no sense of shame whatsoever.

6:12 AM, August 25, 2008  
Blogger wolfboy69 said...

@locomotive Breath - Couldn't say it any better.

This woman should either be in an institution(mental or prison...take your pick).

She ruins 3 lives, and is allowed to profit off of it because she isn't worth prosecuting? What?

My disgust is beyond words.

4:55 PM, August 25, 2008  
Blogger wolfboy69 said...

sorry....that should be

This woman should be in an institution(mental or prison...take your pick).

4:55 PM, August 25, 2008  
Blogger Decoupled Debit said...

You will note there has been no comment from the usual suspects in the Feminist movement. Not a word. She is a problem for them. Even their Usual supporters were disgusted with her behavior.

She typifies a culture Where Women are seen as Victims regardless of the collateral damage they cause, and the crimes they commit. And Men who commit crimes are seen as Monsters.

Hers is the Gift that keeps on giving. Proof that our system is bankrupt. When Male minor Rape Victims are forced to pay child Support to their Rapists. We have officially gone into the Twilight Zone or Fantasy Island. Take your pick.

4:58 PM, August 25, 2008  
Blogger lovemelikeareptile said...

Locomotive breath--

"In the shuffling madness.
of the locomotive breath..."

ahh-- one of the greatest hard rock albums ever, Aqualung, 1971, Jethro Tull.. saw them on their Thick as a Brick Tour in 1972 or was it 1973 in Jackson, MS when I was 12... and they played the entire 40 odd minute Brick album and then thrilled the crowd with " For our second number..." They must have played 1 1/2 hours...

So the NC AG-- a woman no less-- opines that Crystal is actually in a state of psychosis--delusional-- and the poor thing is not lying, why she just is incapable of determining which of the 15 odd different, irreconciliable stories she has told-- is true.
When women lie-- they are mentally ill -- and not responsible for their actions.

Of course, the AG knows thats BS-- but she knows that teh " mentally ill" out is servicable for women.

The SANE nurse was fingered as the culprit-- a feminist, she had no trouble lying so that rape charges could be brought aginst the boys.

Thats where the danger of feminism lies-- all the fucked-up adherents of that gutter religion taking it out on any man or boy they have power over, for a moment or a month... or years.
If not for TARA LEVICY ( she aint no Scarlett O Hara !).. Nifong could have done nothing.

So one kook-- and women who enter fields with an agenda " to protect women" are almost always kooks ... and they think its ok to lie if it serves the greater, noble purpose of... bringing down the patriarchy.

WOmen in any position of power almost always use that power to harm men and boys in the guise of "helping women". One can only hope that the oppurtunities are few and far between.

12:54 PM, August 27, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:08 AM, April 15, 2009  
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5:00 AM, June 08, 2009  

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